Colin J Thomson
2008-06-15 20:11:21 UTC

I have been using kde-4.1b1 from unstable and it is working well, very well

There are however a few minor things with Kontact.
I cannot configure Akregator, on trying to bring up the config dialog the
"configure Kontact" box appears instead asking which App to start when
starting Kontact.

There are no system notifications (audio or visual) at all with Apps in
Kontact, eg Kmail and Akregator and I am unable to configure them at all.
Maybe I am missing something in the system settings?

Running Kmail or Akregator for example as stand alone Apps all is fine though.

I understand this is a Beta but would be interested to know if anyone else has
this problem.

The other thing I seem to be getting even before the update, ie when I was
running 4.0.5 are Selinux errors when logging out of kde associated with KDM.
I seem to remember reading somewhere this was fixed but needless to say I cant
think where that was, possibly in one of the KDE Sig meetings?

I'm off to search kde.bugs now but any suggestions welcome.


Fedora 9 (Sulphur)
Registered Linux user number #342953

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Allen Winter
2008-06-15 20:39:37 UTC
Post by Colin J Thomson
I have been using kde-4.1b1 from unstable and it is working well, very well
There are however a few minor things with Kontact.
I cannot configure Akregator, on trying to bring up the config dialog the
"configure Kontact" box appears instead asking which App to start when
starting Kontact.
I don't see that happening now.
Hopefully you see it fixed in beta2.
Post by Colin J Thomson
There are no system notifications (audio or visual) at all with Apps in
Kontact, eg Kmail and Akregator and I am unable to configure them at all.
Maybe I am missing something in the system settings?
You might try going into System Settings, then the Notifications page
and setting stuff in there. Yes, it does seem that setting notifications
from within Kontact is broken.

I'll put it on the big-list-of-stuff-to-fix.

-Allen, KDE-PIM Release Coordinator

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Colin J Thomson
2008-06-15 21:36:15 UTC
Post by Allen Winter
Post by Colin J Thomson
I have been using kde-4.1b1 from unstable and it is working well, very
There are however a few minor things with Kontact.
I cannot configure Akregator, on trying to bring up the config dialog the
"configure Kontact" box appears instead asking which App to start when
starting Kontact.
I don't see that happening now.
Hopefully you see it fixed in beta2.
OK thanks for the info, I see Beta2 is due soon and hope Rex can find the time
maybe to build it for F9
Post by Allen Winter
Post by Colin J Thomson
There are no system notifications (audio or visual) at all with Apps in
Kontact, eg Kmail and Akregator and I am unable to configure them at all.
Maybe I am missing something in the system settings?
You might try going into System Settings, then the Notifications page
and setting stuff in there.
I'll see if I can set it up in System settings during the week,
Post by Allen Winter
Yes, it does seem that setting notifications
from within Kontact is broken.
Post by Allen Winter
I'll put it on the big-list-of-stuff-to-fix.
Indeed, a lot of work and not many to help sadly :(

kde-4.1 is a great step forward and thanks to all involved.

Fedora 9 (Sulphur)
Registered Linux user number #342953

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just about anything Open Source.
2008-06-17 19:23:29 UTC
I am also noticing some problems.

Firstly, I would like to say that this beta is terrific, compared to 4.0.x and
that I am thrilled that the ugly desktop icons are finally bye-bye for good. I
like the new device notifier and I have been able to mount my camera and usb
hard drive as a non-root user without any hassles, despite selinux enforcing.
This is a milestone! I hate clutter on my desktop, especially as dolphin
already shows me what I have and how to get to it. There is also the find
utility, if I really cannot find something (by the way, find takes aeons to

I am excited about the new desktop paradigm and this ought to set kde apart
from legacy desktop paradigms. I have been waiting for a long time for someone
to come up with something new. I have given it considerable thought (when
things are not advancing fast enough for me, which is every couple of weeks or
so), but I was not able to conceive of anything that might be useful. Thanks
to the developers for having the balls to give something new a try, despite
all of the negativity in the blogs. Kde will be great again!

Anyway, now to the problem and answer to the thread initiator.

I like to have korganizer start in the system tray with the reminder daemons
running. 95% of the time, it doesn't start and I have to start it manually.
Even then, only about 50% of the time will it go into the systray, otherwise I
have to start it manually a second time! Rebooting and the same problem all
over again. Also, the side panel in korganizer, with the calendar, the details
of the todos and the resources, is not shown at all, even though I have them
enabled in the menu bar up top.

When a reminder is triggerred, when I select dismiss, it often dismisses not
just the highlighted reminder, but the whole list! Also (I have filed a bug
report), when I defer/suspend a reminder and reboot or turn off/on my computer,
the suspended reminder is forgotten and I am never reminded at all.

I have not noticed any problems with akregator, and I use it daily. kmail
seems to be working just fine. I had a slight problem with it when I upgraded
from the fedora repos to kde-redhat: my outgoing servers were not recognized
and I had to reconfigure them, but my identities and incoming servers were fine.

Selinux is generating errors on logging out: something about /dev/root, I
think, but it doesn't hinder logging out and I have selinux in enforcing mode.

System notification appears to be fine, although sometimes pulseaudio doesn't
work and I get a message about not being able to contact the sound server, or
something (don't remember exactly, but I suspect it must be phonon, the xine
backend, that crashes on boot). Usually, it works, though.

The system tray is a bit of a mess: sometimes icons are written over others,
or there are gaps between the icons where one moved over but the others didn't
follow, or there will be a white rectangle with nothing in it. Also,
networkmanager doesn't always show up, but that seems to be less of a problem
than in 4.0.5. It has definitley improved in this beta release.

All in all, I am very pleased with this beta and can't wait for beta2! This is
really looking very good. I have been following Asiego's blog and I will
probably not use most of what he is talking about (something about folder
views and whatnot), as I don't even understand it, but it should be great once
I can get my hands on it. No doubt, I will figure out how it can be useful,
once I have it installed.
Rex Dieter
2008-06-17 19:56:34 UTC
Post by kwhiskerz
I like to have korganizer start in the system tray with the reminder
daemons running. 95% of the time, it doesn't start and I have to start
it manually.
Post by kwhiskerz
The system tray is a bit of a mess: sometimes icons are written over
others, or there are gaps between the icons where one moved over but the
others didn't follow, or there will be a white rectangle with nothing in
it. Also, networkmanager doesn't always show up, but that seems to be
less of a problem than in 4.0.5. It has definitley improved in this beta
The final fixes for this got in just after 4.0.82.

-- Rex

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Colin J Thomson
2008-06-17 20:04:53 UTC
Post by Rex Dieter
Post by kwhiskerz
I like to have korganizer start in the system tray with the reminder
daemons running. 95% of the time, it doesn't start and I have to start
it manually.
I read somewhere that the ability to stop it from starting was going to be
implemented also.. hopefully :-)
Post by Rex Dieter
Post by kwhiskerz
The system tray is a bit of a mess: sometimes icons are written over
others, or there are gaps between the icons where one moved over but the
others didn't follow, or there will be a white rectangle with nothing in
it. Also, networkmanager doesn't always show up, but that seems to be
less of a problem than in 4.0.5. It has definitley improved in this beta
A quick and dirty fix for the time being is:

kquitapp plasma && plasma &

This seems to sort the tray icons out whilst logged in.

Fedora 9 (Sulphur)
Registered Linux user number #342953

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